Produksjoner i utvikling
The Family
Scandinavian Drama Series (Drama, Crime, Action, Adventure)
When Norwegian police detective Jens Sandberg is blackmailed by Marko, a powerful Albanian mafia clan leader Jens must move beyond law and order to continue his fight and to protect his country and save his family.
Status: Under utvikling
Diana`s Truth
A Journey of Love, Identity, and Faith (Feature film)
"Diana's Truth" is a feature film set in Kosovo, portraying the entwined journey of love, identity, and faith between two young individuals from divergent cultural and religious backgrounds, who defy societal norms and hidden familial truths to embark on a transformative quest towards unity and self-discovery in a post-conflict society.Status: Under utvikling
Bravo Film Production
We have consulted and delivered production services in the field of directing, planning, safety and stunts in various productions for TV2 and NRK broadcast, feature films, TV drama, commercial companies and other video productions for more than 15 years in Norway, Europe an US.
At Bravo Film we consult clients as a creative agency and production company, and we develop and produce our own productions.